CARA Call for Equipment

Dear GEECT Members,CARA member schools have significant challenges to overcome for their equipment. It is obvious that, without equipment, training for careers in cinema, television and media will be a failure. This is why CARA member schools seek the understanding and goodwill of CILECT member schools, particularly GEECT member schools and many other sponsors that … Continue reading CARA Call for Equipment

Presentation by the Institute of screen Arts of the Karpenko Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre Cinema and Television – Ukraine

Dear Colleagues,Following the presentation by the Institute of screen Arts of the Karpenko Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre Cinema and Television during our GEECT regional meeting in Rome, I hereby send you a document that summarizes the main topics under discussion and highlights possibilities for future collaboration with our Ukrainian colleagues.Thank you in advance. … Continue reading Presentation by the Institute of screen Arts of the Karpenko Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre Cinema and Television – Ukraine

48 hours European Interschool Challenge

The "48 hours European Interschool Challenge" was first presented to the public at the CILECT conference in October 2022. The Challenge itself took place in March/April 2023. The participating students and teachers came from very different schools across Europe: 3is (International Institute of Image and Sound) in France, Tomas Bata University in Zlín (Czech Republic), … Continue reading 48 hours European Interschool Challenge

Ukrainian film student,

In case you are an Ukrainian film student, member of staff or pedagogue and you have questions, or you need information or support concerning European Film schools or education please do not hesitate to contact us at:  Якщо ви український студент, співробітник чи педагог у сфері кіно, у вас є запитання, вам потрібна інформація щодо … Continue reading Ukrainian film student,

European Editing Masterclass in Banská Štiavnica september 2021

From the 12th to the 18th of September, the picturesque mountain town of Banská Štiavnica in Central Slovakia was the location for the 3rd workshop of the Erasmus+ OIRFET-project [Open Innovative Resources for Filmmaking Education and Training] This long-term partnership between 4 Central-European Filmschools: ADU-Zagreb, FAMU-Prague, PWSTTViF-Lodz, VSMU-Bratislava and was formed to improve film editing … Continue reading European Editing Masterclass in Banská Štiavnica september 2021


Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti (at) 30° Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America latina   INCONTRI DELLA CIVICA: Alaa Eddine Aljem                                             in collaboration with                             supported by GEECT We are pleased to present the first of the Masterclasses that MCSC has planned within the framework … Continue reading INCONTRI DELLA CIVICA