Hosted at: VSMU Bratislava – Friday, 7 June 2024

The Bratislava Leadership Symposium follows on from the discussions initiated at the Cilect Congress in Rome 2023, at which several GEECT Task Teams were created (1) to address the fee structure of GEECT schools (2) to address the GEECT statutes (3) to implement the decision for an admin and comms position to support GEECT communications and activities and (4) to address the feasibility of additional members to the GEECT board around designated profile areas that pertain to (i) diversity and inclusion (ii) green filmmaking and sustainability (iii) AI and technology.

The focus on this leadership symposium in June 2024, is directed towards feedback and discussions on the work undertaken by each of these Task Teams. The GEECT Statues pertain to governance and restructuring and, the administrator position aims to ensure regular and efficient communications and support coordination of activities to better serve the shifting and evolving needs of the GEECT membership schools and its representation at the CILECT level.

The GEECT executive would like to encourage as large and representative attendance of GEECT schools at this meeting to ensure that the urgent issues pertaining to the structure and governance of GEECT can be addressed with an many members actively participating.

The aim of the Leadership Symposium is to prepare the materials to table firstly at the Cilect Executive and then to prepare documents for the Congress in China in 2024 when the next elections will take place.

Please direct any questions to the GEECT executive and we look forward to your attendance and participation. 


Join morning session 09:00 – 13:30 via Teams on-line

Join afternoon session 13:30 – 17:30 via Teams on-line

Thursday, 6th June: Informal pre-meeting evening for early arrivals.

Friday 7th of June 2024 – Bratislava, VSMU

9h00 – 9h30 – Coffee and informal meet and greet
9h30 – 10h00 – Welcome: Darina Smržová, Dean of VSMU
Objectives of the symposium: Manuel Damásio, GEECT Chair

  • Frames the key urgencies of the Leadership Symposium
  • Short report on Task Teams and Admin and GEECT Comms position
  • Agenda and workflow for the day

10:00- 10:30 Framing future collaborations:
1) opportunities for collaboration with the European Film Observatory – Agnes Schneeberger, European Audiovisual Observatory;
2) Crescine: The State of European Film Platform

10h30 – 11h15  – 3 break out groups related to GEECT statutes

  1. General Articles of Association.
  2. Cilect and GEECT relational governance structures
  3. GEECT Core Values: document

11h15- 11h30 – break

11h30- 12h30 – Feedback from work groups: report on the statutes

12h30- 13h15 – Fee structure task team: findings and proposals
13h15 – 14h00 – lunch
14h00 – 15h00 – Diversity and Equity in GEECT schools – how to develop the structure based on recommendations.
15h00- 16h00 –  Information and discussion about CILECT congress in China 
16h00 -16h15 – break
16h15 – From ideas to action: turning the previous discussions into roadmap for action
(3 YEARS PERIOD) based on feedback from participants.
(Possible work groups with designated people who are willing to lead the area with support from GEECT Exec).
17h30 visiting the school and its premises – classes, studios, technical background. 
19:30 Social gathering – Dinner

Venue: Address

Film and Tv Faculty, Svoradova 2, 813 01 Bratislava. 

Closest accommodation: Hotel IBIS or Hotel Falkensteiner. 

Airports:   Vienna (main airport)

Buses from Vienna airport to Bratislava airport during the day about every 20 minutes. (travel time approx. 60-75 minutes).

Bratislava airport with limited airline carriers and flights.